Awaken the Wolf - A Rewilding Journey
Awaken the Wolf is a Mystery School of rewilding and re-membering. This program is an intentional call to reconnect women to the Earth and Each Other. Over the course of 8 months we will hold ceremony under the stars, hike and feast, wild craft, wade in sacred waters, learn the cosmos, practice rituals, and much, much more. This opportunity includes earth guidance based in Celtic wisdom and traditions, the heroine’s journey, lunar teachings and cosmology, naturalist teachings, mythology, and outdoor adventures. There are limited spots available for this one-of-a-kind offering. Join me to reconnect with, honor, and celebrate the Earth and each other. Connect with me now for all the information.
For many women, the transition from Maiden to Mother is as glorious as it is complex. While on many levels we are living fully into a Sacred new role, there can also be an experience of loss of identity, lack of self care, & loneliness. This is where the Sacred art of gathering in sister/motherhood allows for healing, understanding, and empowerment. This monthlong program will gently guide you into more deeply understanding and honoring a relationship with the Maiden and Mother archetypes of your life story. Through conversation, ritual, and personal exploration exercises we will create a Sacred space for feeling into the wondrous, wild, and divinely complex elements of what it means to move from Maiden to Mother. This program is ideal for women who are: family planning, expecting, new mothers, new again moms, or anywhere in their motherhood journey and longing for their own Rite of Passage. Connect with me to get more information and to register.
Eco- Spiritual Direction
I offer one-on-one spiritual direction based in eco-theology, Celtic wisdom, and the divine feminine. Through our dedicated relationship, the directee will be welcomed into an ever-deepening and broadening love affair with her own life, Earth, and the mysteries of all sacred creation. Connect with me for more details.